Thursday, February 5, 2009


WebQuest is a learning activity used by educators. During this activity learners read, analyze, and synthesize information using the World Wide Web.
It is also an online modules which engage students in learning about an authentic topic or problem. Generally, WebQuests are cooperative activates where students assume different roles relative to an authentic problem. The Internet is usually the main information resource, although other more traditional resources, such as magazines and journals, can be included. The WebQuest itself provides structure to the investigation of the authentic topic, thereby increasing the ability of students to successfully navigate a highly unstructured environment such as the Internet. Students then develop a product which then demonstrates their knowledge of the problem and its potential solutions.Webquest will help the students to develop their critical and creative imaginations well as to develop their own pace of learning. In part of the teacher it is also helpful because these can help their lesson to become more alive and interesting. These can also facilitate the learning process of the students.
The question is will it applicable in our country?
For me, Yes!! their is a big possibility that webquest will be use sense nowadays we are using new technology as tool in the learning process of the students. By using these kind of learning activity the teacher can easily monitor their student if they learn something out of their topic.

hibik ng pilipinas sa inang espanya